Welcome to our Hub!
Through sharing and networking, the Task Force aim is 'working better together' to enable more equitable and better care for children and young people around the world.
Here we include key initiatives to raise awareness about paediatric musculoskeletal conditions and advocate for change to address unmet needs.
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Models of Care
Here we share exemplar models of care from around the world. Many have transferable value to other contexts: 'Act Local Think Global'.
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Learning Zone
Here we include e-resources to promote learning about paediatric musculoskeletal medicine and signpost to opportunities for training.
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Global Networks
Here we signpost to networks and societies around the world. 'If you want to go far go it alone, if you want to go further, go together (African Proverb).
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Guidelines Reports and e-Newsletters
Here we signpost to outputs from our Task Force including our e-Newsletters. We also highlight useful resources around guidelines, policy and recommendations. Please share !
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